Today’s been a wet, bleak day. I’m mostly inside at the moment anyway, courtesy the pollenpocalypse, but it feels wrong not to do anything outside on a weekend.
Weather that’s a big bundle of nope doesn’t help. I thought slipper and sweater weather was gone for the season, but apparently not so much. So, in lieu of doing something outside, we’ve humiliated the cats (aka gave claws a much-needed trim), I’ve made shepherd’s pie out of most of the leftover lamb roast (there’s enough for some sandwiches left over, as well was a couple of meals in the shepherd’s pie), and not much else has happened.
Oh well. Maybe during the week or next weekend we’ll get to set up our backyard range. Most likely weekend, since I’ll be kind of on call from when I get home for at least Monday and Tuesday, finding out whether the problems customers are reporting are actually problems or whether they’re “I’m frazzled and it’s not doing what it used to do” problems.