I have an abundance…

Of kitteh, that is. The Baby-cat sleeps beside my keyboard while the Bugger-cat is contemplating the possibilities of another round of snuggles. Her Highness Princess Buttercup has claimed the high ground of the back of my chair, giving her a lovely vantage point to contemplate her next attack on The Big Box which she has Read More…


Hi ho! Hi ho! It’s back to work I go!

After a week (and a smidge) of relaxing and doing very little, my vacation ends as of now-ish, since I’m back at work tomorrow and have to treat tonight as a work night. Aside from the usual issue of such things never lasting long enough, it was a good break. I probably could do with Read More…



Our backyard eats arrows. We have a largish yard (about 3/4 acre), and we’re close enough to rural that we can take our bows and shoot practice arrows at a target in the backyard. This afternoon’s exercise left us down two arrows because a) neither of us is all that good at it, so we Read More…


One problem solved

The Bugger-cat has been acting as though he’s utterly starving well before it’s time for the wet food to be broken out. So this morning I did a little experiment to see if his sense of smell has diminished so he’s not registering the kibble as “good to eat” – I opened a spare can Read More…


That moment when…

… you turn around and realize that the kitten (who is really a cat, given that she’s almost 2 years old) has brought you all her socks so you can throw them for her. She likes to steal socks from us whenever she can, even though she has three pairs of her own (a collection Read More…


I Wish It Was Downhill Both Ways

Life, cycling, whatever. It’s hilly around here, and while I’m pretty good with downhill, uphill kicks my butt something fierce. I’m recovering faster than I was when I started this, but I’m still puffing like a bloody steam engine when I get back from a ride, mostly from the uphill parts. Alas, I’m not going Read More…


Counting days

I’m taking a week’s vacation from the day after Independence Day, and I am so looking forward to it. Hopefully I’ll actually start waking up at some point and be able to do things. Or at least, things that are not work, since work is occupying most of my spoons at the moment. Nothing bad, Read More…



You have been warned: here be whinging. I can live with the narcolepsy and being constantly tired. I can live with the allergies and their intermittent flare-ups. I can even live with the assorted aches and pains that come with being nearly 50 and not terribly fit. But I am so fucking tired of the Read More…


Fell off the wagon again

This time with the aftermath of the medication mixup. I’ve been ridiculously tired and generally unwell, with the inevitable result that I get home and do nothing. It’s immensely frustrating because I know I don’t have to be this way. Alas, right now, I need to stay patient. It could be another week or two Read More…


One Day Plus One Pill Later

I’m not all the way back to Kate-normal yet, but I’m getting there. No lurking headache and no fuzzy-headedness for a start, plus I actually have a few spoons left after work where most of the last week I’ve been struggling to make it through work. It’s quite remarkable the difference that one little pill Read More…
