A fair number of my online friends are at Libertycon right now, and I’m missing them and it. My facebook feed is so much quieter without them. The main reason I’m not there is… well, there’s more than one main reason, and they all combined to make it not an option. To start with, I’d Read More…
Category: Writing
Mad Genius Club Post Tomorrow
I’ve just finished setting up tomorrow’s post at the Mad Genius Club, in which I ramble for a while about the drawbacks of trying to serve some fiction with your message. I suspect the damn headaches may have at least a little allergy influence, since I’m sneezing more than I should be and my sinuses Read More…
You might be a writer if
you read something and immediately find yourself thinking they did it wrong and building the story you think it should have been you think in narrative your characters are more real to you than the people you work with in your day job …and not just because you know them better your spouse/partner knows better Read More…
Just. Don’t
Obviously I need to get better at posting regularly. In the meantime, a very short one to point out that if you as an author are tempted to get into a virtual dick-measuring contest with another author for any reason, don’t. This is especially true if you are slagging the other author in order to Read More…
Learning a new art
I’m gradually getting a handle on writing non-fiction, by way of writing articles for the Ministry of Testing’s Dojo. This is a good thing, because I’m learning more about appropriate tone and not just rambling on screen as I tend to do with my blog posts. The count so far is three articles published this Read More…
A nerve got hit
Tomorrow there will be snark
It’s my Mad Genius Club day tomorrow, and I’ve just finished writing the post and setting it up to go live early tomorrow morning. My snarkometer went a bit wild, so yes, there will be snark tomorrow, starting at 7 am. For an idea of the goodness (or snarkiness, really) to come, here’s the start Read More…
Mad Genius Club Tomorrow
Tomorrow’s Mad Genius Club post is written and ready to go, although why there is suddenly a desire to turn all the quote marks and apostrophes into other encoding when I’ve been copying from my wordprocessor to the WordPress editor without any issues for months is something I don’t get. Apparently something has decided to Read More…
Placeholdery Stuff
Because I’ve just spent the last hour or so writing tomorrow’s post for the Mad Genius Club. It’s a bit of a ramble on the goodness of having a good editor (which I do, for my non-fiction), and why a good editor is really helpful. The Bugger had his last full steroid pill today. Tomorrow Read More…
The Silence of the Betas
Despite the joys of pollenpocalypse kicking my butt and the day job getting… “interesting” in the lead up to a major deployment this Thursday, I am coming to the conclusion that I can’t wait any more for feedback from my betas. I’m going to have to start the edit phase (part the first) on the Read More…