Changing the mood

Spent a good chunk of the weekend on a short story for the next Valdemar anthology – the draft is about 3/4 done, then there’s all the usual polishing and cleanup to be done. It’s such a complete change of pace and mood from what I have been working on I have writer whiplash. Note Read More…


Doomy Mad Geniusness

I’ve gone meandering on about Doom as the publishing industry in general appears to think is happening and why it isn’t (or possibly is, depending on where you’re standing) over at the Mad Genius Club. Much weirdness follows – which is what usually happens when I get a bit tired and punchy. I’m dangerous after Read More…


A book is a book is a book

Except when it isn’t, of course. The question of what exactly makes a book is one that has a lot of interest to those of us who publish in electronic format. The editorial team at Naked Reader Press has an approach I like (I’d like it even if they weren’t publishing me): a book is Read More…


Why most “literature” isn’t

Larry Correia has a wonderful post on what purports to be literature these days, and why he hates it. Not only am I so there, I’m wondering how many people had a similar experience with school English classes. It seems like everyone got hammered with books that sucked, craptastic “analysis”, and second-rate teachers who couldn’t Read More…


You know

you’re a writer when you realize that you’re cataloging every single thought for use in a story somewhere. Just saying.


Distraction central

The last few days have been rather scattered for me: I’ve been watching the news of the Brisbane floods closely, because I have family in that area (all safe, thank the deity of choice), working at the day job (all hail the goal of software without bugs) and making itty bitty bits of progress on Read More…


Shakeup in three… two…

The publishing industry is certainly in an interesting state right now, especially with the latest news about Borders. As a compulsive reader and lover of books (my definition of home decorating is “make sure there are enough bookshelves”), it’s not a comfortable time to be reading, much less writing. My editor at Naked Reader, Amanda Read More…


Impaler Snippet!

This excerpt is the opening scene of Impaler. Final edits haven’t been completed, so there will probably be some changes in the published ebook. Enjoy! Impaler Chapter 1 Always before battle begins I am possessed by the need for solitude and prayer. It is a curious thing, for I have never fought as merely another Read More…


Impaler news

I have a cover for Impaler, and a publication date! This makes it seem so much more real. Me being, well, me, I think it would feel even more real with an actual physical book to hold, but cover art that gets the mood of the book and a solid schedule is almost as good. Read More…
