Husband had wisdom teeth out – one of them with roots that had grown into the sinus cavity (nasty) – so today was largely working from home with interruptions to take him to the hospital and bring him home. I still managed to get a post in for Mad Genius Club for tomorrow, where I Read More…
Sunday Pot-Pourri
End of the week update – which I hope to make a regular post. I’ve got most of the website and associated hookups in place and doing what they should I’ve switched over my .sig to Impaler on my main email. I still need to set my assorted newsgroup posting .sigs to do the same Read More…
Not the Dracula you were expecting
Stepping on hot buttons
I’m rather good at stepping on hot buttons – not intentionally, I just seem to manage to do it without realizing where I’m going. Most of the time, I can keep my own hot buttons out from underfoot, but occasionally something hits one and it’s on for one and all. SEE! The Kate Shred-O-Matic dispense Read More…
Working at the admin side
Yesterday I finally bit the bullet and signed up to twitter and facebook. I’m still tweaking settings, but I’ll need to find a way to avoid getting pulled into the massive time sink social networking can be. Today’s main effort has been hooking up my blog to automatically notify twitter and facebook whenever I post. Read More…
The Man Behind the Monster
(This is the third of a series of three blog posts. The previous two posts can be found at Mad Genius Club and The Naked Truth.) All of the things I described in the previous posts dug up a fair amount of information about Prince Vlad Dracula. What they didn’t do was give me any Read More…
I post at Mad Genius Club. It’s the first of a 3-post series about Impaler: why I wrote it, and the choices I made when I wrote it. Me being me, there are also excursions into the nature of good and evil, how history distorts the view of the past, and a whole lot of Read More…
The short story, that is. I got feedback from the readers this morning, then there was a flurry of revision and rechecking and email (not necessarily in that order). Now all I need to do is the final formatting, and I’m ready to send. Before the deadline, even. Now I can get back to what Read More…
There’s nasty white stuff
Currently several inches of wet white frozen stuff on the ground, and climbing. For a tropical-born brat this is very unpleasant – but as always it’s a valuable writing experience. I used the winter delights of semi-rural Pennsylvania to add to the descriptions of Eastern Europe in winter in Impaler – cold is cold, and Read More…