Impaler is here!

Impaler is published. It’s currently available from Amazon’s Kindle Store and from my publisher, Naked Reader Press. Other ebook stores will follow, and there will be a print edition as well. It’s been an interesting journey, and it’s hard to believe that this stage is almost over. The next stage, of course, is selling the Read More…


Sunday Pot-pourri

This has been a week of convention recovery: after getting back home from Lunacon on Monday, I’ve spent most of the time getting my brain working again. No new wordage, but I’m 3/4 of the way through a detailed pass on a novel – I LOVE my Kindle! Reading the piece on the kindle feels Read More…



I’ve been back from LunaCon for several days now, although it feels a lot longer. Work will do that to you. It was a great convention despite some interesting issues with double-booking and a programming team scrambling to keep from getting too behind (apparently they lost their programming database 2 months before the convention – Read More…


Back from Lunacon

And totally exhausted. It was a blast, despite scheduling chaos, double-booked rooms, and of course the unique charms of the Escher Hotel (aka Hilton Rye Town) complete with the dimensional portal (which now goes from level 4 to level 4 courtesy some renumbering of rooms). I’ll do a more detailed report later, but some of Read More…


Sunday Pot-pourri

Interesting week. On the work front, lurched straight into the next major project while doing cleanup and trying to track down a customer problem that so far hasn’t been reproduced in house from the previous projects. Also much meeping over the LunaCon program. It’s the best schedule I’ve ever had for a con, and I’m Read More…


Lunacon Schedule

I have my tentative schedule for Lunacon next week! Friday 5pm – Reading Saturday 6pm – Invisible Collaborator or Paid Fanfiction – I’m in stellar company here, with Ginjer Buchanan and Bob Greenberger. Saturday 7pm – Dracula vs Undead Porn – Ginjer Buchanan (she’ll think I’m stalking her), Chuck Rothman and KT Pinto. Sunday 1pm Read More…


Sunday Pot-pourri

Finished a chapter of the sequel to ConVent this week. Total wordage for the week about 1000, which when slipped between the chaos of a major release is pretty decent. Narcolepsy has been unfriendly – major release at work does that. My body objects to long days with intense concentration, and lets me know in Read More…


The Impaler Post-a-palooza

Here we have the grand collated list of Impaler posts, including a long-ish snippet, cover goodness, and a lot of rambling about assorted things Impaler. Release announcement and cover unveiling (complete with that wonderful Laura Givens cover art) Snippet! The Allure of Evil – first of a series of long posts about various aspects of Read More…


Two Steps Forward One Step Back

Progress of a sort – the sequel to ConVent is back on the active list, and words are being added. As always, snatching time in between everything else, which means that when work or home stuff goes insane, not much wordage happens. Big plus, hubby finally has a working computer again. We’ve also got a Read More…


Sunday Pot-Pourri

Progress – a little writing happened this week. I’m skittering from one thing to another without really settling to anything, which would be worrying if I didn’t know exactly why it’s happening – hello work stress. Unfortunately, this doesn’t get me much in the way of progress on new books. Scheduling stuff – booked LunaCon. Read More…
