Mad Science Monday

It’s science, it’s definitely mad-as-in-crazy, and me being a way out of practice trombonist, it’s perversely appealing as well. In the name of Mad Science, I hereby present the Frankenbone! It’s a flamethrower. AND a trombone. What more could any connoisseur of the trombone ask?


Sunday Pot-Pourri

I’m more or less back after needing to rebuild my machine. Being a certified (or certifiable) geek, this meant a clean install of Ubuntu using the latest release (eye candy pretty, but it’s going to take a LONG to get used to close buttons on the left. At least let us customize that guys!). The Read More…


Web browsing is dangerous

Especially when it leads me to articles like this one: 5 Reasons Why E-Books Aren’t There Yet. Aside from the not exactly trivial question of what exactly “there” means, I’ve got to say most of the arguments were pretty specious. But I agree with his overall thesis: ebooks aren’t “there” yet. Not quite. Why? The Read More…


Sunday Pot-pourri

The end sequence of the current book has finally clarified itself. If I can make this work it’s going to be a wild ride. Hopefully also a funny one, although that will depend on just how things pan out once I get into the writing. There are going to be a lot of balls in Read More…


Brave New World

A bit less than a month ago, there was an exchange in about Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, and how it relates to happiness and fulfilment. One of the posts in the discussion (available here and including a fair amount of quoted material that the writer is responding to) makes the claim that eliminating Read More…


Sunday Pot-Pourri

The day job continues feral, with a forecast of extreme feral for the next month or thereabouts (mostly courtesy customer schedules). This probably corresponds to a Kate-fried level permanently in the ‘illegal in 90% of the world’ range. Those who know what my sense of humor does when I’m that fried understand. We’re talking entendre Read More…


Voices in the Dark

As Sarah Hoyt so eloquently described in her blog, writers chase the voices in the dark: the shadows between madness and the bright light of day where the realms of stories can be found. It’s not a coincidence that assorted creatures of Other – in every culture I’ve studied, I might add – are said Read More…


Dancing in the Shadows of Madness

It’s something of a truism that writers are eccentric at best, and for most of the writers I know this is a rather mild description. Me, I’m held together by a concoction of the best psychoactive drugs the pharmaceutical industry can charge a fortune for, so I’m not exactly the token normal person here. Eric Read More…


Sunday Pot-Pourri

Another crazy week this week, although I’m a little more rested than usual after a 3 day weekend instead of the usual 2. I’d like to find whoever cursed me with being the responsible one and have a little “chat” with them. Progress towards the print edition of Impaler continues. It might feel glacial to Read More…


Sunday Pot-Pourri

RavenCon was wonderful – I’m making plans to be back there next year. I also booked Philcon and Capclave for this year. With any luck I can build myself a circuit of conventions that are close enough to drive to and let me make a fool of myself in public often enough that people know Read More…
