So in breaks in the job, while I’m monitoring a long-running process I needed to nurse, I decided to start flagging things that need fixing in ConSensual. I haven’t looked at it since I finished the draft a few months back. Wow. The difference that bit of distance makes is amazing. I already knew that, Read More…
I owe, I owe, so off to work I go
Yes, I’m now officially back to the day job – reminding myself as often as I have to that it’s not that important. No matter what it is, it’s not that important. You see, I’ve got this nasty tendency to take on rather more responsibility than I actually have, which leads to frustration, and the Read More…
New Banner Squee
There’s a new banner on the site, courtesy the multitalented and multi-wonderful Patrick Richardson of the Otherwhere Gazette (among other things). Isn’t it sweet? (Anyone who doesn’t see it, just keep refreshing. You’ve got a 1 in 3 chance of that banner being displayed. The other two are my much less inspired efforts for Impaler). Read More…
Welcome to 2012
And good riddance to 2011. Okay, it wasn’t that bad. My first novel, Impaler, was published electronically and dead tree, and my second novel, ConVent, was published electronically. Both are doing reasonably well, considering that if “self-publicizing” was an RPG skill, mine would be -100. I need a +1000 Blarney Stone. Mum visited for three Read More…
Snuff – Book Review
It’s probably more like fangirl squee, but never mind. This weekend involved reading Terry Pratchett’s latest novel, Snuff. As usual I finished up awed by the man’s skill and wondering why I bothered when I can’t hope to ever get close to that. Then all the layered bits started clicking together, which means I’m even Read More…
ConVent on Succuwiki?
I’m officially scared. I think ConVent is leaking – that’s the only reason I can think of for it to appear on the Succubus Wiki before the book is released. Okay, Sarah Hoyt has done me a delightful cover that really captures the insanity of the piece, and quite a few people have seen snippets Read More…
Well, I never intended the break from the blog to be quite this long. The usual reasons, excuses, etc. apply: work is in mega-feral mode and biting parts of my anatomy best not mentioned in public, I’ve had and am having a visitation from my mother (which wasn’t even in the picture three months ago, Read More…
Wacky Wednesday
The good: flying cars are a step closer, although with the ten grand deposit, probably not for Joe Average for a while yet. The bad: an elderly lady in Sydney was dead for 8 years before anyone noticed. The ugly: public opinion is not a jury trial. The people who made the decision did the Read More…
Mad Science Monday – the Belly Button Ecosystem Edition
Where is the richest source of previously undiscovered species? No, it’s not the Amazon rainforests. It’s not even the water off the Philippines. It’s much closer to home – in your navel. Who knows, given the sheer number of unidentifiable microbes living in there, there could be some nanoscale civilization facing periodic devastation every time Read More…
Sunday Pot-pourri
System build phase two (unplanned) appears to be pretty much done. So much for what I thought I’d be doing this weekend – when your hard drive starts with the click-whirr that indicates it’s not spinning up properly, it’s time to bail. I will admit to not considering that the extreme age of the hard Read More…