A new chapter

Those of my two or three readers who follow this site know that I was laid off just on 4 weeks ago. Tomorrow, I start the new job – I’m incredibly lucky that I’ve had such a short time between jobs, and I know this. Still, I’m nervous. The new job seems as close to Read More…


ConSensual Is Released

Yay. It’s available from NRP now and should be available from Amazon, B&N and other locations soon. In other news, I’m going to try to actually post regularly (you’ve heard that before, yes, I know), but not tonight. After spending way too long today trying to minimize casualties as yet more Klingon software happened (Klingon Read More…


ConSensual edits done

The first round, anyway. I still need to do the format and typo hunt edit round, but my readers have the updated version in their hot little paws, and snippeting has begun in Sarah’s Diner on Baen’s Bar. I’ll snippet smaller bits here on a slightly different schedule.    


Of keyboards and things

Yet again life got sufficiently crazy that updating here fell off the radar. Meanwhile, I’ve just returned from buying a new keyboard – the third time I’ve done this in the last year. Why? I spend a lot of time typing, both at home and at work, and I’m kind of fussy about the tools Read More…


Inspection tomorrow

Writing continueth albeit in the gaps between everything else. Wordage is currently in the order of 37k, so I’m fairly happy considering how hectic things have been. Meanwhile the home buying experience rolls on. Called insurance company today about what would be involved in getting home insurance and rolling the car and renters insurance in. Read More…


We can haz expensive tastes

Hubby and I always figured our tastes were pretty simple. Wood, clean lines, darkish wood with a touch of red. So we start looking at assorted furniture places around here and online. Eek. I never knew our tastes were platinum-plated and diamond-studded in the budget department. We aren’t ready to buy just yet so we Read More…


Where did all those books come from?

I finished the first pass on the books downstairs today. Three piles: one for hubby to decide if he wants them or not, one for donations, and one for books to keep. The donations pile is somewhere north of 1k books. The keep pile (well, piles) something more like 2k. And the books that migrated Read More…


What did you do today?

Me, I verified three bugs, created two more, did a lot of research into weird software behavior, wrote about 1k words on the current work in progress, and bought a house. Contract is now done, and our realtor will be calling tomorrow to go over paying the good faith deposit, organizing the inspections, and the Read More…


Finished the chapter

Finally got that chapter down. For whatever the reason it fought me the whole way. Now I get the fun of all hell breaking loose part A, while I try to retain the tattered shreds of what passes for my sanity while juggling interesting times at work (the good sort, fortunately) and the huge adventure Read More…



I think we’ve committed to buying a house. Eek. Expect intermittent and strange as the whole process goes through the systems. I did not expect to go from making the offer to accepting the counteroffer in under 24 hours.
