I am trialing the JetPack plugin to see if that will give me the automagical social media postage I desire. I think I got it set up properly last night. I’m also trying to work out what the heck I want to get out of this thing. I’m not so sure about that. Okay, I’d Read More…
Author: Kate Paulk
Renovations Day 3
I’m still searching for a plugin that will automagically post to Facebook and other social media thingamajigs for me because I’m lazy and want to set it up once then let it do its thing forevermore. In the meantime the plugin that used to do that once upon an eternity ago is disabled because it Read More…
Renovations, Day Two
Well. First priority is now finding a replacement for the flaky Facebook integration which doesn’t work at all. Meanwhile, the day job is a day job, complete with the usual shenanigans of such things. The cats are cats. One of them is draped over my chest right now purring although that’s probably only because I Read More…
Renovations in Progress
And by that I mean renovations to the site. I can’t believe I neglected things for this long… Actually? Yes, I can. Because I am lazy and blogging isn’t something that comes naturally to me. Go figure. Anyway, the to-do list is currently rather long: Find a suitable replacement for the default header image. The Read More…
Things I did on my Vacation – Day 2
And it came to pass that, though wearied by the epic battle with the Dustbunnies of Unusual Size, the fair Lady Kate was determined to defeat the evils that lurked in the Bathrooms Where Angels Fear To Tread (one of them demons fear to tread, too). Thus, she armed herself with the Cleaners of Righteousness Read More…
Things I did on my Vacation – Day 1
The day dawned bright (actually it didn’t, it dawned bleak, wet, gray, and cold, but let’s go with this for the purposes of narrative, shall we?) and the Fair Lady Kate did spring forth (yeah, like heck she did) and gird her loins for the dread battle to come. No ordinary battle, this: the Fair Read More…
When is True and False not True and False
I check The Daily WTF for their chronicling of interesting and perverse efforts in the software world. While the quality of the articles has… suffered somewhat recently, the commenters often produce utter gems. Such as this delightful offering in response to Extra-Boolean ‘logic’ Re: Extra Boolean 2014-06-02 06:55 • by QJo (unregistered) 434425 REPLY QUOTE This Read More…
Mad Genius Musings happened today
The battle is won but the war never ends
The battle against invading thistle in the iris and lily garden, that is. The prickly invaders are relentless, determined, and nothing can keep them back for long. No matter how I hack, slash, and tear them out by their roots, they return to choke out the irises and lilies, to overwhelm the garden with their Read More…
There are no words
http://www.mediaite.com/online/msnbcs-toure-chalks-up-holocaust-survival-to-the-power-of-whiteness/ Some of the educational images posted to the “gentleman’s” twitter feed can be seen here: https://twitter.com/search?q=%40toure&src=typd&mode=photos. Fair warning – they are stomach-turning, all the more so because they are cataloging something that actually happened. I can’t say what I think about this because there are no words strong enough to encompass the level of Read More…