Today’s workday went much as expected – crazy. It’s the heaviest day for our applications, which means a whole lot of people trying to get through the necessary reset of their credentials (necessary because changing user management system plus one-way encryption = you must reset your password) – based on login records in the older Read More…
Author: Kate Paulk
Wet, Bleak Day
Today’s been a wet, bleak day. I’m mostly inside at the moment anyway, courtesy the pollenpocalypse, but it feels wrong not to do anything outside on a weekend. Weather that’s a big bundle of nope doesn’t help. I thought slipper and sweater weather was gone for the season, but apparently not so much. So, in Read More…
Quasi Midlife Crisis aka The Demon Cabelas
Normal people having a midlife crisis buy expensive cars. We buy weapons. The Husband and I have been considering getting bows for a while now and using part of our 3/4 acre yard as a target range. Today, we got a step closer: we went to Cabelas (which is a demonic entity designed to separate Read More…
The Day After The Day
You guessed it – more chaos today. I did manage to work out that one of the problems is that while our customers, the customer support people, and my team are all using the same words, we’re not using them to mean the same thing. This means we’re often needing several go-arounds to work out Read More…
Well. That was fun.
For meanings of fun that include spending the day in hyper-mode, trying to reproduce problems customers report, trying to find tactful ways to report back that a problem is user error, figuring out which problems are real bugs and which ones are user error, then trying to work out just how much hand-holding we want Read More…
Out Of Spoons
My current status is “all out of spoons: do not make me brain”. The big release tomorrow at oh god am is throwing last minute spanners into the works, all of which need to be worked out one way or another before we push the thing live. And of course, we’re discovering all manner of Read More…
Of Feral Jobs
The day job is going kind of crazy right now. We’ve got a major deployment Thursday, so all the pieces are being checked, double-checked, triple-checked, and so forth. This, of course, is also when those last minute bugs make themselves known just so we can all have some fun deciding if they’re critical enough to Read More…
The Silence of the Betas
Despite the joys of pollenpocalypse kicking my butt and the day job getting… “interesting” in the lead up to a major deployment this Thursday, I am coming to the conclusion that I can’t wait any more for feedback from my betas. I’m going to have to start the edit phase (part the first) on the Read More…
Off And On Again
So I missed posting yesterday. This is largely due to my curse of this time of year: allergy season. The short version is, I’m very allergic to oak pollen, something I discovered when we moved to an itty bitty town with tons of mature oak trees. My first spring here I couldn’t breathe. I’ve habituated Read More…
Renovations Day 5
The Book of Faces plugin worked. Go me. Today’s effort has been to hook up Twitter and G+ to echo this stuff. So if all goes as planned, the social media thingamajiggamies will be mostly there. The next major effort is to reconfigure the Amazon links and redisplay the widgets that link direct to my Read More…