For one reason and another, depression and suicide has been a lively topic among my internet friends of late. Opinions, as they do, vary from those who rage at the suicide for taking the coward’s way out through various reactions including my personal one: there but for the grace of Something go I. You see, Read More…
Author: Kate Paulk
Placeholdery Stuff
Because I’ve just spent the last hour or so writing tomorrow’s post for the Mad Genius Club. It’s a bit of a ramble on the goodness of having a good editor (which I do, for my non-fiction), and why a good editor is really helpful. The Bugger had his last full steroid pill today. Tomorrow Read More…
Grr. Arg.
I have apparently Done Something to my right leg/hip. I’m not sure what, but getting up from a chair or climbing (or going down) stairs is not good right now. As in that side will not take my weight while the leg is bent. And of course, hurts when I’m doing such exotic things as Read More…
Things Customers Believe
It is truly remarkable what customers believe about software and software testing. Some of the ones that I’ve run into in the last week are doozies: If you get a popup that reeks malware it must be the fault of the software we just updated because it happened when the user was on that site. Read More…
Another Day
Another day has been and gone with absolutely nothing accomplished. I think I’m catching something, or possibly trying to catch something. At any rate, between release shenanigans at work meaning I had a longer week than usual and am paying for it by being more tired than usual at the weekend, and the Bugger’s issues Read More…
Some Good, Some Not So Much
On the Bugger vs Pills front, the pill popper has evened the score some. No muss, and not all that much fuss – although he was not a happy kitty and flailed about a bit (accidentally got me with a claw, too. Owie.) The medication is helping, too. He managed a mostly solid deposit shortly Read More…
The Bugger Defeats The Evil Hidden Pills Again
The score is now Bugger 2, medication concealment tactics 0. Pill popper it is, much to his disgust. He’s sitting on the printer glaring at us right now, since he was picked up and held – when he didn’t want it – then had his pills the old-fashioned way, with me putting them far enough Read More…
The Chronicles of the Bugger’s Medication
Thus far the score is Bugger 1, Sneaking meds into food 0. He got his pills the old fashioned way, with me me putting fingers down his throat then holding his mouth closed while he swallowed. After which he was petted and told he was a good boy. For tomorrow’s attempt I will be crushing Read More…
In Which The Bugger-Cat Suffers Indignities
Apparently having a Day is a common thing: the Bugger-Cat spent a good chunk of time this afternoon at the vet. Again. The poor little imp has chronic diarrhea (those of a sensitive disposition may wish to go elsewhere now) and since he’s a bit over 10, thoughts of cancer rear their ugly head when Read More…
The Bitzer Update Post
This is something of a bitzer post – bitzer this and bitzer that – since there isn’t any one thing that’s dominating today. The release aftermath grumbles on, rather more quietly today, with testing problems reported by customers and figuring out what needs to be fixed, fixing them, and testing the corrections. Today’s on-call time Read More…