It’s my Mad Genius Club day tomorrow, and I’ve just finished writing the post and setting it up to go live early tomorrow morning. My snarkometer went a bit wild, so yes, there will be snark tomorrow, starting at 7 am. For an idea of the goodness (or snarkiness, really) to come, here’s the start Read More…
Author: Kate Paulk
Ongoing Errors
Despite rather a lot of evidence to the contrary I keep sliding back into thinking/believing that I’m relatively normal. Then something happens and I’m reminded once again that not only am I not remotely normal, I don’t even fake it terribly well. I can just about manage SF-geek-and-computer-nerd-normal, if you don’t look too close, but Read More…
Memorial Day
When I was growing up in Australia, Anzac Day (April 25) was the day to commemorate those who had served their nation in war, especially those who had given everything. Here, it’s today, Memorial Day. In that spirit, I’ll let the Ode to the Fallen, as I remember it recited every Anzac Day for many Read More…
Of the Nature of Agency
There are few things that irritate me more than the unseemly spectacle of someone who claims to be an adult placing blame for some heinous deed on someone or something other than the perpetrator(s). Very simply, the person who commits the act is to blame. There may be mitigating factors, and there may be complicating Read More…
The Tribe of the Damned
There is a special kind of stupid forcing its way into everyone’s lives in the US at the moment, the kind of stupid that can only happen when someone is highly educated and has little to no experience of working in a field where actions have consequences; or when someone has been indoctrinated with it Read More…
More Software Shenanigans
This time from IIS, aka Microsoft’s web server, aka one of the many portals to the Elder Gods I’ve had to deal with. This time, we had the server deciding that it was going to completely ignore our carefully configured defaults and just drop a “sorry, no can do” on anyone who didn’t ask for Read More…
Lesson Learned
Today was going to be a semi-relaxing afternoon after a routine dentist visit. Ha. The minor, low-key release (yes, those are the danger words right there) proved to have problems that led to me firing up the work laptop as soon as I got home from the dentist so I could test the fix to Read More…
Mad Genius Club Tomorrow
Tomorrow’s Mad Genius Club post is written and ready to go, although why there is suddenly a desire to turn all the quote marks and apostrophes into other encoding when I’ve been copying from my wordprocessor to the WordPress editor without any issues for months is something I don’t get. Apparently something has decided to Read More…
I Am A Happy Tester
Despite my clear inability to organize myself enough to do weekend posts, I sit here typing today a happy software tester. The reason for my happiness lies over at the Ministry of Testing’s Dojo, where they have announced the scheduled speakers for TestBash Philadelphia 2017. I’m one of them. This means I have a little Read More…
Small Bits o’ Business
First and foremost, thank you to the Instapundit readers, and apologies that it took so long to get you all out of WordPress jail. I don’t check the blog when I’m at work, so anyone who commented after I went to bed last night (which would be all of you) had to wait until I Read More…